Dying for Chocolate – Diane Mott Davidson

cover Dying for Chocolate

Dying for Chocolate by Diane Mott Davidson is the second of the Goldy culinary mystery series. As with the others, I listened to the Barbara Rosenblat audio. Unfortunately for the earliest books (except for the first) the CD audios are all abridged. My library offers it for download through Oneclick but those bastards put a non-Mac friendly DRM on it. So I ended up having to buy a digital copy from iTunes as I will probably have to do for book three.

In this book, Goldy and Arch have moved from their previous home to escape the ever abusive ex-husband. Goldy for room and board is cooking and answering phones in a massive home. Meanwhile Arch is attending summer school at the local private academy along with a petulant, mohawk sporting Julian.

Things go horribly wrong with the death of Philip Miller. It’s a rather gruesome description of how he dies. Goldy is understandably distraught. Interestingly, though, her feelings for him change as she learns more about him.

Besides Miller’s death, Goldy has a competing caterer complaining that she has stolen their name, a newspaper reviewer dubbed ‘Pierre’ who is writing nothing but negative reviews of her food, and Arch bugging her to have a magic show swim party.

Although I’ve figured out other mysteries in this series, I didn’t this time. It had the right amount of herrings to keep me confused and interested.

I also must admit that I have a complete and utter literary crush on Julian.

  • Goodreads rating – 3.80
  • Genres:
  • DIGEST – Sarah Sammis
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