How to Be an Elephant – Katherine Roy

cover How to Be an Elephant

Book review

Content Area: Science
If I were in my future classroom and we were learning about Elephants through this book, after reading it to my students, I would utilize the following Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions:

1) Remembering – How long did it take for the baby elephant to grow before she was born, immediately beginning her lessons in becoming an elephant?
2) Understanding – In your own words, provide me with a summary of the book.
3) Applying – The book goes on to explain that the Elephant’s trunk is the most multipurpose animal appendage in the world. How do they use it?
4) Analyzing – How does the upbringing of an Elephant differ from our own?
* Their family is primarily made up of females, one of whom is called the Matriarch (the leader), who all take part in raising a calf. In addition that, the father does not stay with the herd. Our families typically have a mother and a father present, with the father usually being the head of the household. We do not have that mindset that ‘it takes a village’ to raise a child. Mothers and mothers alone are typically the primary caregiver of their children.
5) Evaluating – How To Be An Elephant discusses the need for saving adequate space for elephants, indicating that humans need to take action to allow Elephants to thrive. What is your opinion on the matter and why?
* My opinion on the matter is that Elephants are extremely beneficial, playing a vital role in our ecosystem, and I believe that the world would be severely effected if there were no more Elephants. In addition to the need of their existence, there is a strong desire to keep them free from extinction because they are fascinatingly beautiful creatures.
6) Creating- How To Be An Elephant shows us how Elephants utilize their skills and physical qualities to help them survive. How could you improve these characteristics to help them survive better?
(* Indicates the answer to the question)

  • Goodreads rating – 4.33
  • FEEDBACK – Nina
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