If I’m Found – Terri Blackstock

cover If I

Book review

I was so pumped when I got an email from Zondervan Publishing approving me to review this book. I’ve been waiting to read it since I finished the first one last year. And for those of you who don’t know me, I’m a HUGE fan of Terri’s books. I’ve read almost every book she’s written and personally own quite a few, so being able to review this book before the publishing date had me a bit excited.

Casey Cox is a wanted fugitive for supposedly killing her best friend, Brent Pace. Upon finding him dead in his home, and figuring out she’s been set up for a murder she didn’t commit, Casey goes into hiding. ‘If I’m Found’ is the continuation in Terri’s latest series, ‘If I Run’. In this second installment, Casey is still hiding from those who have destroyed her life. She’s also trying to gain evidence against them. With the help of private investigator, Dylan Roberts, (who was hired to bring Cox in) they start to build a case against detectives Keegan and Rollins, the people who did this to her. Together, Dylan and Casey try to bring justice to everyone that have been harmed, including Casey. As in the previous book, Casey is still putting herself at risk by helping those who need it even if it means exposing who she is, while also finding help and comfort for herself through a loving God she’s just starting to find out exists. This book had the perfect blend of action, suspense, mystery, and romance.

I loved everything about the book; from Casey running for her very life, to helping save a little girl and a family wrongly accused, to sitting in a church pew learning more about this God who keeps showing up in her life in more ways than one, to Dylan who is constantly trying to protect and help her. And speaking of Dylan… Oh man, where do I start? He is everything you’d hope for in a guy. He fights for truth-even if the world thinks he’s wrong. He helps those who need it most, loves people who least expect it, and most importantly, he doesn’t give up in what he believes. I also really enjoyed meeting Dylan’s friend, Dex. He was such a loyal, kind, and understanding friend. Definitely someone you would want beside you during life’s trials.

As for the plot, it was very well thought out and developed throughout the book. I was nearly always on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Of course, you had those points in the story where it wasn’t action-packed or suspenseful, but mattered just the same.

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“Yes, it blows my mind. I don’t know why I’m wiping tears, but I’ve never felt quite like this before. Sitting in here in this place {church} gives me the most peace I’ve felt in years-maybe a decade, maybe more. I haven’t really had peace since my dad died. There’s been a bitterness eating a hole deep in me, burning the edges of my insides. But here I feel as if that heaviness is lifted, as if I can think more clearly. I can feel a power greater than me working right in front of me…and even through me. Maybe God does care about me after all.”

Over all, this book was well written. Definitely looking forward to reading the next book! And something I’ve always enjoyed while reading Christian fiction is that I can always take something from it that I can use in my own life. In this case, Casey, on advice from Dylan, forced herself to start noticing how God was working in her life. It definitely convicted me, because that’s honestly not something I do, and it should be. As Christians, we should try our best to see how God is working in our lives. And then thank Him for what He has done.

Terri even explained in her author’s note how she was going through some things and how a friend encouraged her with this truth. “Starting immediately, thank God for every gift He gives, from those as small as a whiff of honeysuckle or jasmine in your backyard, to the realization that you just had a few moments without back pain, to really big things like the fact that the people you love are in the next room safe and sound.”
“I’m talking about the practice of intentional gratitude. Intentional, because it involves an aggressive effort to remain aware of God’s gifts as you move through your day, and to actively acknowledge each gift with a simple ‘Thank You.’”

*I recommend this book for ages 13+*

I’d like to thank NetGalley and Zondervan Publishing for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

  • Goodreads rating – 4.32
  • REVIEW – Sarah

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