My Life in Pink & Green – Lisa Greenwald

cover My Life in Pink & Green

Book review

My Life in Pink and Green in my opinoi is really entertianing yet, helpful at the smae time. The story is fun to read and at the beginning of every chapter is a beauty tip and business tip.

The book is about 12 year old Lucy Desberg and her family’s pharmacy. The family pharmacy is going bankrupt and lucy loves the placew a lot and doesn’t wnat it to close. Over the years the pharmacy has lost business, but after helping out a girl with a major hair disaster Lucy has an idea to help the store. Open up her own make over business. Although lucy did her makeovers for free she thought that while people waited for a makeover or for their perscriptions they can buy things.
Also Lucy came up with the releaxation room A nice cool and calm place for people to hang.

Lucy was really freake dout baout the whole idea of losing the pharmacy. most of her childhood memories are in that place. Also she heard her grandma say that sinc ethey couldn’t affor d to pay most of thier bills, they would have to sell their house and move to a small apartment. Lucy’s mother, did not wat to move as much as Lucy didn’t wnat to.

Lucy had joined her school’s science club because of her best friend Sunny and one day while at the club she discovered the going green grant form her town’s mayor. Lucy thought if the pharmacy went green (which they practically were) they can recive the grant and svae the pharmacy. Lucy’s mom and grandma showed litlle faith in it and lucy’s grandma becmae more of a pessimest as time went on. But in part of reciving the grant the pharmacy had to expand. Lucy came up with the idea of a green-spa (earth friendly) after remembering of the place her sister went to for her brithday.

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one day when going through the mail (that used to be Lucy’s orginal job at the pharmacy, befroe the whole makeover business.) She found out they did recieve the grant! Which Lucy was really happy about. She had decided to name the spa which was gonna be right next door t the pharmacy would be called ‘Pink & Green’

  • Goodreads rating – 3.95
  • REVIEW – Eleanor Boateng

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