Say the Word – Julie Johnson

cover Say the Word

Book review

4.75 Crowns.

This book has been sat on my kindle for several weeks. I would look at it, then start reading something else and then find myself going back to look at this book again. Why? I hear you ask.. Well, the blurb sounded really good, I just was unsure whether I was in the mood for a fluffy second chance romance story. Having now read it, I wish I hadn’t dallied at all.

At this stage I like to usually give a brief spoiler free overview of the storyline. I struggle to do that with this book as it is quite a complex story and I really don’t want to give any plot twists; of which there are many. What I will say is that this book takes place in both the past and the present. The author explains the back story of the main protagonists as the story moves forward; in fact I would say that there is actually 4 storylines running alongside each other. All very relevant and all of them adding different layers of emotion through what is a damn good story arc.

What I can tell you is that this is essentially a second chance romance. It is heart breaking, beautiful and so emotional; but that isn’t all this book is about. This book has a really dark under belly. The darkness is a subject matter that is a very real and present danger to many venerable people, the author highlights and writes about this subject in a very real and well researched manner. That’s right folks this book has good old grit (my favourite). It also has a mystery and suspense to it that you don’t expect from this type of book, making it really unique to the genre. Add in love, family and loyalty and it really does make this a superb read.

The characters are really well devised. Lux is a giver, someone who puts everyone before herself. This leads to 7 years of hurt and although she struggles with that everyday, she cannot and doesn’t regret the decisions she made on that fateful day when she broke the heart of Sebastian. Sebastian, the son of a U.S Senator had fallen for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. They shouldn’t work but they did and he loved her with an intensity that is breath taking. When she broke his heart, he was left in a whole world of pain. So when, after 7 years they cross paths, fireworks explode. Bitterness and hurt will fight against the connection that remains and that might not good for anyone.

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I warn you now, I’m generally not a crier but my god this had my eyes leaking twice. I would stock up on the Kleenex, as you will find some parts so completely poignant that I dare even the hardest person to remain un-effected by the emotion that will grab you by the throat.

Yes, if I am being super picky (and my reason for knocking off .25) it is a bit wordy in a few places, but you will be glued. There is a lot going on, but it is written in a clear and concise way. At no point will you feel confused as to where you are or what’s happening. I commend Julie Johnson, for the skill to weave such an complex story without confusing the reader. That takes real talent and I feel that she has huge amounts of it.

I shouldn’t like this story as I’m not a fan of back and forth but it just really works. I cannot recommend this book enough. If you love second chance romance without the fluff that many have, you will adore this book. I just hope this isn’t all we have seen from some of these characters. The mysterious best friend has a very interesting life going on, I hope Ms Johnson decides to give us her story as I think it could be fantastic.

  • Goodreads rating – 4.03
  • FEEDBACK – Emma Allsop – Perusing Princesses

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