Sophie’s Squash – Pat Zietlow Miller

cover Pat Zietlow Miller

This book was about a little girl, who befriends a squash. The little girl’s name is Sophie, and she met the squash at a farmer’s market. Her parents wanted to make supper out of it, but Sophie picked it, and loved it.

She brought it home that night, and played with it. She even drew the squash a face, and rocked it to bed. Sophie named it Bernice. That night, the mom could clearly see the love Sophie had for the squash, so she ordered pizza instead. After that night, Sophie brought Bernice everywhere.

Sophie brought the squash to the library, the farmer’s market, and to the garden. The parents started to worry, and even tried to convince Sophie to eat it. Sophie refused. The father tried buying Sophie a different toy, but Sophie did not like any of them. Bernice was the perfect size, and everything. Even at the library, the other kids made of it, but Sophie just yelled back.

Her parents were getting worried and Bernice was dying. So one day, Sophie asked a farmer, how to keep a squash alive. The farmer said with fresh air, clean dirt, and love. So that night Sophie buried Bernice in the ground, and kissed it. However, the next day, it started to snow. Sophie couldn’t go outside. One day, her father bought Sophie a fish.

She liked the fish, but not as much as the squash. After winter was over, Sophie ran to Bernice and played together with the fish. Bernice became into a plant. Eventually, a huge plant, which even produced two squash. Sophie might have made some new friends.

I really liked this book. I thought it was so funny, nice, and creative. Not everybody uses a squash in their books, but the author did a really good job. I feel like most kids can relate because a lot of them have those special something, even if it isn’t that special. Some kids have a blanket or an old toy, but Sophie had her squash.

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There was so many funny parts where Sophie was with the squash. As she fell in love with it, and when she covered the ears of the squash, when the mom said let’s eat it. The ending was also perfect.

The squash eventually grew two more squash, and Sophie innocently told them that they look exactly like their mom. Sophie was such a lovable character, and I really loved how the author portrayed her. The story and the text was one of the most innocent I have read in a while.

The pictures were also great. It wasn’t perfect, but it sure was good enough. I wished it added a little more color, but like I said it was good. Even though the noses bothered me a little bit, I still thought the characters looked very nice and lovable. I also really liked how the author randomly put a cat in some of the pages, constantly being with Sophie.

If you go back, and look at the expressions of the cat, I feel like many readers can tell a different idea of what the cat is thinking. Also the puzzled faces of Sophie was hilarious. I actually really liked all of Sophie’s expressions. They were all cute and funny. Like I said, Sophie was a very lovable character, so it made the book awesome!

  • Goodreads rating – 4.27
  • REVIEW – James Son

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