Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes – Chris Crutcher

cover Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes


Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes is a book about extreme friendship and trust. When Sarah Byrnes, a horribly scarred girl ends up silent in Sacred heart Hospital, it’s up to Eric Calhoune to figure out what’s going on. Eric Calhoune has been friends with Sarah Byrnes for years, and has no idea why she has gone silent. But Sarah isn’t the only thing Eric has to worry about, he has to stay up to date with his intense swimming, and school.’Twenty-five yards. Anyone hear me say all out? No breaths. Come on, ladies and gentlemen, we’re almost there.’ The whistle. Oxygen debt approaches bankruptcy. (Crutcher 5) Eric has one of the most harsh swimming coaches, who is also his English teacher, Ms. Lemry. She makes them do extreme With Sarh Byrnes in the hospital, Eric learns some frightening things about her past. Sarah reveals that her dad, Virgil Byrnes was the one to cause her horrible scars, not a pot of spaghetti.
After talking to an old friend, it is up to Eric and Lemry to fix Sarah Byrnes situation. When Virgil becomes more violent and out of hand, Eric must take control. ‘She’s hearing every word, and I’d bet you know that, Calhoune. Tell you what, if I find out it’s true, there’ll be hell for you to pay, too. Won’t always be this hospital to protect her. Or you, either. If you know something I should know, you best spill it.’ (Crutcher 172) Virgil speaking to Eric in this way, is one reason he should start taking action over the situation. Of course Eric can’t tell him, so who can help him? Having Sarah Byrnes write in a notebook about why she is there after her dad becomes more nosey, Eric must tell Lemry. Lemry, who agrees to not to tell anyone, gets Sarah Byrnes to her apartment after she runs away from the hospital. With Sarah out of the hospital and Virgil on an angry rampage, threatening Calhoune to him where his daughter is, or he will kill him.
After Lemry and Sarah set out to find her mother, Virgil attacks Eric, wounding him, but not fatally. After getting out of the hospital, Eric learns that Sarah and Lemry found Sarah’s mom, but she was not willing to help or stop Virgil from doing things, and she would simply kill herself. After a little time, Calhoune’s step father had to go on a business trip, or so he said. The next time he was seen was on he news for assaulting a man named Virgil Byrnes. After being interviewed, it was found that Virgil attacked Carver while he was waiting to catch him, because the police could not. Carver turned out to be a war veteran, and felt it was partially his duty to make it so someone he knew was not lost. ‘I looked over at my Mom’s tear-streaked face and took her hand. ‘Use my college money to get him a lawyer,’ I said. ‘He’s got all the respect I have.’ Boy, aint it a trip where heroes come from. ‘ (Crutcher 290) After the interview, all Carver wanted was that Eric would still have some respect for him, in which he responded to his mom with the quote above. Sarah is adopted by Lemry, and Virgil was sent to jail. While the pain is over, the memories will still be there for Sarah.

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I feel that the author had the right to write this book, I don’t see why it would be inappropriate for Chris to write this book. Even if it has taboo subjects, I think it’s actually a good book for anyone 5th grade and up. It discusses things that would be important to know, like how to deal with manipulative teachers, threats, family issues, and stressful situations with friends. Chris shows a level of reality to this book by putting in very emotional and controversial topics, like abortion. It portrays it as just a subject that does need to be discussed. It shows how people with different views can get very violent. In a way, you could even take the CAT class as an example of an international debate on some topic relating to war. Some people might have religious beliefs that dictate their way of life, whereas others might be neutral on a subject.


Now the part that matters. I thought Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes was an exceptionally good book. As I was reading it I laughed at some parts, and some parts were super intense. I thought the structure of the book was a little confusing, with the flashbacks, and then Sarah not talking. I think that that was the only part of the book that was confusing. I really liked the way he described each character and how they all had their flaws. The book had a realistic feel to it also, because at least in my eyes, all of this could happen. It would be rare, but it could happen. I believe this book could also be quite uplifting if you have family troubles because it could get you motivated to find someone who could help you. I thought the book had a very satisfying ending that made me think a bit. Because if I had such an abusive family, I don’t know what I would do either.

  • Goodreads rating – 3.94
  • REVIEW – Alex Shippey

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