The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis

cover The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Book review

I’ve been acquainted with the Chronicles of Narnia all my life. The first Disney movie came out when I was 2, and I’ve listened to many different audiobooks, audio dramas, and the radio theater and have read the books over and over throughout my life. One of the earliest times that I can remember that I went through the entire book was when I was still around 6 or so, maybe even younger. My older brother read it to me, and I was enthralled. The first time I read the book on my own was when I was around 8. I was so sad to finish it and wanted to forget everything and read it again like it was my first time. I loved it so much that I did a reread of it at least once or twice a year almost every year after that.

Now I am an adult, and I still love reading it. You can never be too old for fairy tales in my opinion. But even if you could, this story is timeless and would still be a book I’d read if I were 100. I love everything about it. I love all the messages and lessons in the story, and I love each and every character. All of the characters are so real, and I’ve been able to relate to each of them at different points in life.

I was overcome with a deluge of nostalgia and, yes, sometimes sorrow reading it again. This book—and a great many other books—holds my childhood and I couldn’t help but wish I could go back to those carefree days when I would search every closet or cabinet for a way into Narnia or play outside and imagine that I was Lucy talking to Aslan.

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Our lives these days are so busy and filled with distractions and ‘things to do.’ So many times we forget and lose our childlike innocence. Sometimes we just need to pause and revisit our childhood, the simplicity and pureness of a childlike heart, and remember to be like Lucy, who always had hope and faith and a pure heart. Like Edmund, who realized his selfishness and his need of the Savior and the importance of being thankful for all of the good people that ‘The Emperor Beyond the Sea’ placed in his life. Like Susan, who actually spent a lot of time with Aslan (see Ch. 14) and cared about Him and was aware of His feelings. And like Peter, who always loved and cared for the people around him and who courageously did the right thing and did what Aslan commanded him to, even though he didn’t feel brave at all.

This book will forever be one of my all-time favorites, and I will always cherish all the beautiful memories connected to it and the lessons I’ve learned (and still am learning) from it.

Thank God for C.S. Lewis. ♥️

  • Goodreads rating – 4.23
  • REVIEW – Ella M (あいみです) – Busy with college

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